Wonderful five cluck establishment in Landstown, Texas This Chicken Coop ‘The Hotel Eggcelsior’ is simply amazing! It is a 6’x10, five cluck establishment built in the wonderful area of Landstown,
This episode of Chickens In A Minute explores the difference between a bantam and a standard chicken… There are four main differences between bantams and standard chicken: Size – Lifespan
This is one of those “Why Didn’t I Think Of That” Ideas Built underground or partially underground a root cellar is a used to store fruits, vegetables, or other foods.
The low-tech strategies used by Jean-Martin Fortier (JM) and his wife Maude-Hélèn, kept their start-up costs to a minimum and overhead expenses low . Amazingly their farm became profitable after only
20 Basic Homesteading Skills There are many skills a modern homesteader needs to learn. Below is a list I modified Mother Earth article called ‘101 Basic Homesteading Skills’. This
Follow These 5 Tips and Get Off to the Right Start. There are so many reasons for new homesteaders to become discouraged. Follow these 5 tips from the While homesteading
A Few Homesteading Tips to Help You Save Money, Energy, Time, and Sanity. When you first start homesteading you find it exciting. However, like many others before you,